For those who enjoy do-it-yourself projects, removing wallpaper may seem like a straightforward task that many would readily take on for the sake of convenience or to save money. However, it can come with hazards and the possibility of mishaps. Before embarking on a DIY approach, it is important to consider whether the potential risks of wallpaper removal are worth it or if this is one project to leave to the progessionals.
Dangers of Toxic Substances:
The construction methods of houses have evolved, resulting in a shift in the materials utilized. However, in the past, wallpaper in older homes may have been installed using adhesives that contained hazardous substances like formaldehyde, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), asbestos, and lead. Failure to handle the removal of these chemicals properly could put you and your family at risk of exposure. It is crucial to be aware that prolonged exposure to these toxins can cause respiratory issues, headaches, and other serious health consequences.
Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that has been used in various industries for its heat-resistant and insulating properties. Before being banned and tightly controlled, Asbestos, a group of naturally occurring fibrous minerals, was extensively used in wallpaper adhesives. If disturbed, the tiny fibers of asbestos can become airborne and be inhaled, leading to the development of diseases like asbestosis, pleural disease, lung cancer, and mesothelioma. These diseases may not manifest until decades after exposure. To avoid potential exposure to asbestos in wallpaper glue, it is recommended to hire a professional to conduct testing and removal rather than attempting to DIY.
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are commonly present in traditional wallpaper adhesives. These compounds are made up of organic chemicals that can evaporate at room temperature. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that prolonged exposure to VOCs can lead to severe health problems including damage to the liver, kidneys, central nervous system, and even cancer. Before attempting to remove old wallpaper, it is recommended to purchase a VOC test kit from an online store or a home improvement store. Another option is to seek assistance from a professional environmental consultant or indoor air quality specialist.
Formaldehyde, a gas that is colorless, flammable, and has a strong and unpleasant odor, was commonly utilized in the production of wallpaper adhesive. Exposure to formaldehyde, particularly through inhalation, can result in various health problems such as irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat, severe respiratory issues, skin irritation, nausea, and even cancer. The International Agency for Research on Cancer has designated it as a carcinogen for humans and it has been linked to nasopharyngeal cancer. If you are planning to remove wallpaper on your own, it is important to use an at-home formaldehyde test kit or digital meter, or seek assistance from a professional, to safeguard your well-being.
If wallpaper with lead-based glue starts to break down or is taken off, tiny particles of lead may disperse in the air or settle as dust. Inhaling or ingesting these particles can result in a range of negative effects such as impaired cognitive abilities, behavioral problems, damage to the nervous system, kidney issues, reproductive problems, high blood pressure, and more. In young children, exposure to lead can also lead to developmental problems. Therefore, it is recommended to either use an at-home lead testing kit or seek professional assistance before starting a wallpaper removal project, especially for homes in the United States built before 1978. This is because it was only after this year that lead-based paint was officially prohibited by the federal government.
Growth of Mold and Mildew
Although your wallpaper may appear to be spotless and flawless, it is possible that dangerous bacteria could be revealed during the process of removing it. When moisture has accumulated beneath the paper over a period of time, it can lead to the growth and proliferation of mold and mildew. If not handled properly during the removal process, this can result in the unintentional release of a significant amount of spores into the air and your living space. Not only does this pose a risk to your health, but it also aids in the spread of mold and mildew to other areas.
Fall-Related Injuries
While taking down wallpaper, one may need to use ladders, step stools, or scaffolding to reach high walls or ceilings. However, these tools can put one at risk of falling and sustaining serious injuries. Even a small fall can lead to sprains, fractures, or other types of harm. Often in the chaos of a DIY project, important safety measures, such as properly securing ladders, can be overlooked.
Hazards of Electricity
In addition to the potential damage to your walls, there is also a risk to the electrical wiring located behind them. If proper precautions are not taken, there is a possibility of damaging or piercing an electrical component while removing the wallpaper, which could lead to electric shock, fire, or even electrocution.
Impact on Nearby Surfaces
Getting rid of wallpaper requires a considerable amount of effort and can be a chaotic task. A significant amount of glue residue and debris will build up, which can cause harm or destruction to nearby surfaces such as floors, moldings, fixtures, or furnishings if not handled properly. Improper or incorrect methods may result in dents, scrapes, and punctures in the drywall, which can be expensive to fix and will impede your progress.
Excessive Stress
It is crucial to take into account the potential stress that may arise from DIY wallpaper removal. Dealing with unexpected obstacles, slow progress, and setbacks can lead to a considerable amount of frustration throughout the process. In case you encounter difficulties due to inadequate tools, methods, or knowledge, you may have to seek assistance from a professional, who may charge you extra to fix any damages to your home.
Rockstadt Painting of Central Florida
Although it may seem cost-effective to remove wallpaper by yourself, it is crucial to weigh the advantages against the potential hazards. Opting for a professional may be the most suitable option for achieving desired outcomes.
Rockstadt Painting offers a team of experienced professionals who offer effective and top-notch services for wallpaper removal. Bid farewell to the outdated style and welcome a fresh appearance for your abode that you will adore.
Are you in need of assistance with wallpaper removal? Contact the professionals at Rocksadt Painting for a free quote!